Ultra portable. Easy to use. Powerful Smart tension head for reliable accuracy. Improves on court performance.
Saves thousands per year on hiring stringers. All in a convenient travel bag.
Fast and easy.
Pro Stringer is the new and improved way of stringing, providing a user friendly, fast, and easy to use machine. With a strong mounting system and operation that protects the racket from any damage due to zero leverage between the racket frame and machine. It can be mounted onto any standard table. Watch the above video to see how the Pro's do it on tour.
Electronic accuracy.
Smart tension head provides reliable accuracy. A continuous pull tensioning system compensates for adjustments in string movement to ensure every string is uniformly tensioned. You can accurately set the electronic tension from 30 to 75lbs. Advanced power cord auto adjusts to the correct voltage world wide. Truly Smart Tension Head!
Very affordable.
For the serious player, you will save thousands per year on hired stringers. Performs better than full sized industrial machines. More reliable and consistent than using many different hired stringers each with their own brand of stringing machine and stringing technique. No more spending up to $9,000 per year on stringing expenses alone.